White Oak Legacy Foundation
I had the amazing opportunity of working on this video project during my time as a Denim 101 Coordinating Intern for the White Oak Legacy Foundation (W.O.L.F.). As an intern, I assisted the Denim 101 coordinator during their bi-annual class and acted as a communications liaison for 25+ brand attendees. I maintained a company presence at mill visits to Cone Denim, Proximity Manufacturing, and Hill Spinning and got to learn from/collaborate with industry professionals in regards to fabric construction, finishes, and sustainable alternatives.
After the duration of the class, I stayed on as an intern to help with the production of a collaborative video between W.O.L.F. and Cone Denim, as well as work on a promotional video to be used on W.O.L.F. social media platforms. In my role as Production Coordinator, I was responsible for selecting and securing a filming location, scheduling interviews with Cone Denim employees and previous Denim 101 class attendees, as well as contributing to video ideation and setting goals for filming objectives.
I would like to give a special thanks to Pierce Foster, our videographer and video editor, Russ Robinson, W.O.L.F. co-founder and leader who oversaw the video project, Evan Morrison, Proximity Manufacturing Owner and Operator for providing the filming space, and all video participants/interviewees for being so willing to help out--Check out the final videos below!